Discover You

Cease Striving // Minister Samson Teklemariam

Pastor Roy Barrett

How to Cease Striving

  1. Assess your thoughts
  2. Breath
  3. Consider God's mercy & grace for you
  4. Practice surrenderance
  5. Leverage gratitude
  6. Disrupt thoughts with words (The Word of God, Confession of Faith)
  7. If a cycle or pattern of disruptive thoughts for years; seek counsel

The Big So What:

If God is in control of  your life and got you to this point -- Rest/Trust/Cease Striving and know that He will take you further as you rest.

This week's challenge:

  • Read Numbers 16 and 26
  • Memorize Psalm 46
  • Pray over each area of your life
  • Listen to the Still album for 1 hour uninterrupted
  • Share this message